class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # UnhcrRverse ] .subtitle[ ## Workshop on UNHCR R Packages ] --- ## Intro This workshop can not replace __fact-sheet-able certifications__ like the self-paced R training offered through [Workday]($538/rel-task/3001$142.htmld). Rather than learning R _in general terms_, the sessions will provide an overview of how R is being used and customized within UNHCR context. Each of the 12 sessions (_presentations & exercise_) is organised to last one hour around a __specific learning objective__. Hands-on Co-Dev sessions between the training facilitator and the operation country team on __practical challenges__ will take place in the afternoon ??? The session will focus on presenting dedicated packages created by UNHCR staff in HQ and in the field. --- ## Workshop Plan - Day 1 - Basics of R - Day 2 - R for Surveys - Day 3 - R for Reporting - Day 4 - R for Processes --- ## Day 1 Morning - Basics of R - An introduction to [Analysis Reproducibility](01.Reproducibility) - Data [Manipulation and Visualization](02.Tidyverse.html) using [{refugees}]( & [{unchrthemes}](, access data through API with [{robotoolbox}](, [{rhdx}](, [{riddle}](, [{popdata}](, [{activityinfo-R}]( - From [Scripts to Functions](03.Functions.html): An illustration with [{unhcrplot}]( --- class: center, middle, inverse # Afternoon 1 - Hands-on Using official Statistics to calculate indicators and build charts --- ## Day 2 Morning - R for Surveys [The Survey Toolbox](04.SurveyToolbox.html) - Kobo [Data Collection Management]( with [{HighFrequencyChecks}]( - Kobo [Survey Data Exploration](file:///home/edouard/R-projects/UNHCR_package/kobocruncher/docs/tutorial/00-Intro.html#1) with [{KoboCruncher}](05.KoboCruncher.html) - Apply [Indicator calculations for RMS]( with [{IndicatorCalc}]( --- class: center, middle, inverse # Afternoon 2 - Hands-on Working on UNHCR recent household survey dataset --- ## Day 3 Morning - R for Reporting - "Work as a Team": Collaboration through [Version Control](07.VersionControl.html) on Github. - Build wth [Report Template](08.Template_Report.html) with [{unhcrdown}]( and [Posit Connect]( An example with [weekly report]( - [Automating Tips](09.Automate_generation.html) to set up reproducible analysis pipeline --- class: center, middle, inverse # Afternoon 3 - Hands-on Developing a presentation from a survey Facilitating Data Interpretation --- ## Day 4 Morning - R for Processes - [Package knowledege](10.Package_Knowledge.html): Development, Documentation & Testing with [{fusen}](, illustrated with [{unhcrdataportal/}]( - Create [Shiny Companion App](11.Simplify_with_companionApp.html) with [{Graveler}]( - Building [Severity index]( an overview of [{A2SIT}]( --- class: center, middle, inverse # Afternoon 4 - Hands-on Quick Dashboard creation with Shiny Organizing data for severity index --- # Webinar rules <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw fa-2x"></i> Leverage this opportunity and make this session __lively__ - there's no stupid questions! <i class="fa fa-pencil fa-fw fa-2x"></i> No need to take notes, all the session __content__ will be shared <i class="fa fa-cog fa-fw fa-2x"></i> All practical exercises are designed to get you __testing the commands__: <a href="index.html"><i class="fa fa-indent fa-fw fa-2x"></i></a> ??? > Login on a dedicated cloud-based version of RStudio with base packages pre-installed for this session @ > Paste the command from the chat to your online Rstudio session and check what is happening > In case it is not working as expected, share screenshot or error messages from the console in the chat