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Any project, i.e. Training material, presentation or highlighted analysis, can be included in the {unhcRverse} Showcase vignette though a issue posted in this current repository. Community members will provide feedback through discussion in the issue system and unless some strong reservation are raised, the project will referenced in the vignette within one month.

Having a project referenced here is for authors:

  • A recognition of the project and an way to showcase the work done in order to inspire colleagues.

  • An opportunity to request and benefit from peer review from all R-users within UNHCR and potentially third-party support.

  • An opportunity to be identified as an R-champions and of having a “word to say” in the governance of the unhcRverse

Note that you can also find good references in the inter-agency humanitarian-user-group and join the linked interagency skype group. Last as UNHCR staff, you can also join the internal UNHCR R discussion on Microsoft Team

Below is an initial listing of showcased repositories: